Tap into Mastercard’s latest payout technology, brought to you in collaboration with VoPay’s Payments-as-a-Service stack.
Mastercard Move allows businesses to send funds in real-time* to a variety of receiving end points, including credit cards and bank accounts, regardless of card network or receiving institution.
Keep more users on your platform by giving them access to their earnings with real-time wage payouts using Mastercard Move.
Build trust within your platform community and showcase your commitment to financial inclusion.
Segregate worker earnings using unlimited underlying accounts to control the flow of funds.
Speak to a Fintech Advisor to outline your needs and impact plan.
Start testing in the VoPay sandbox to explore our advanced API functions.
Our compliance and onboarding team will guide you through the process.
Choose a production date and launch your integration with confidence!
We are happy to answer your questions. Fill out the form and we will have one of our team members contact you.